According to different applications, semiconductors can be divided into four major categories, namely integrated circuits, discrete devices, optoelectronic devices and sensors. Integrated circuits are the most widely used of the four types of semiconductor devices. According to statistics from the World Semiconductor Trade Statistics Association, in 2020, integrated circuits account for 82.03% of the global semiconductor device market, and discrete devices, optoelectronic devices and sensors account for only 5.41%. , 9.17% and 3.4%.
Integrated circuits are mainly divided into digital integrated circuits and analog integrated circuits, among which digital integrated circuits mainly include logic devices, memories, and microprocessors. Logic devices are integrated circuits that perform logic calculations; memory is a memory component used to store programs and various data information; microprocessors can complete operations such as fetching instructions, executing instructions, and exchanging information with external memory and logic components; analog devices It is a chip in which analog circuits are integrated to process analog signals, such as operational amplifiers, analog multipliers, phase-locked loops, and power management chips.
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