The core members have years of investment, industry research and industry consulting experience in intelligent equipment. Industry consulting refers to helping domestic intelligent equipment companies find equipment growth points and new opportunities, and successfully served several domestic APPLE first-level equipment suppliers, Luxshare precision core equipment suppliers, and domestic parallel robot leaders.
The core members have strong rapid learning ability and the ability to quickly analyze, refine and summarize information at the information level, and quickly output in the industry product line, original factory and customer selection, and help Jinglirong Electronic Materials to make strategic decisions and implementation levels. Speed up.
The core members include leading domestic packaging and testing companies, helping Jinglirong Electronic Materials to import high-quality domestically-made substitutes for imported semiconductor materials and domestic TOP10 and TOP20 high-quality packaging factory customer resources.
The core members include domestic display panel and semiconductor equipment entrepreneurs. The display panel equipment is mainly AOI and performance testing equipment, and has served customers such as Sharp and BOE. The semiconductor equipment is mainly die-bonding machines, flip-chip soldering, etc., and has served many core packaging manufacturers in China.
The team partners include senior professionals who have been deeply involved in the semiconductor integrated circuit industry for 40 years. They have a deep understanding of technology and industry development trends, and help Jinglirong Electronic Materials to speed up from the resource end to the information end.
The team partners include senior professionals who have been deeply involved in semiconductor IC design for 30 years, and have strong customer resource docking and introduction capabilities of leading global and domestic packaging and testing plants.
Team members have an international vision and global resource deployment capabilities.

ADD: 1605, 16th Floor, Guoxin Investment Building, Gaoxin South 7th Road, Yuehai Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen


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