合众医药在浙江杭州注册成立 United Pharma founded inHangzhou,Zhejiang

首次参加CPhI会议 Participated CPhl first time

通过审计,并获得ISO证书 Obtained lso certificate

出口到30多个国家 Exported to over 30 countries

首次出口疫苗产品,进入生物制品市场 Launched first vaccine exportStepped in biologics area

迁址万通中心,进入告诉发展时期 Relocated to Vantone Center entered a period of rapid development

公司举行十周年庆典 Held 10th anniversary

出口1000多种产品到70余个国家 Exported more than 1000 productsto over 70 countries

朗途医药成立,支援国外客户抗击新冠疫情 Ranto Pharma founded inHangzhou, Zhejiang Supported foreign partners tofight against coVID-19

迁址远洋国际中心,开启新的征程 Relocated to Ocean InternationalCenter started the new journey